Premium Formulated Hydraulic Lime (HL) from the worlds No1 producer Lafarge. Manufactured since 1833 from the siliceous rich limestone of the Ardèche valley in France.
Lafarge Tradibat® 85 is a formulated Hydraulic Lime (HL 5) binder. Made from Pure Natural Hydraulic Lime NHL 3.5 (approx. 80%) made from the calcination of specially selected limestone, grey cement and a plasticiser (approx. 20%) to produce the best quality formulated lime binder for new-build construction.
This superior quality product is suitable for applications on new build for plastering and rendering onto masonry and laying and pointing most types of dense masonry.
Suitable to be used as an internal or external Lime-cement binder to make: Mortar, Render and screed onto various substrates inc: Brick, Block, Stone, Flint and other types of masonry in high to extreme exposure.
An eminently hydraulic lime offering the early strength and harder set desirable for new-build construction. For use as interior and exterior render and mortar for stable, durable masonry, grouting for tile or stone flooring, roofing, strengthening grout, lime concrete (Limecrete), and lime-hemp concrete (hempcrete).
Can be applied manually or machine-sprayed.
Standard designation: HL 5 CE
Compressive Strength at 28 days: 11 MPa
Initial setting time: 3h
Colour: Light Grey
80% Natural Hydraulic lime (NHL 3.5), 20% grey cement + Plasticiser.
Availability: 25kg paper bag | Pallet 40 x 25kg bags.
New Build Internal/External Render:
Render Base Coat:
1 x HL 5 : 2 x Sharp Sand/Medium Sand
Render Top Coat:
1 x HL 5 : 3 x Sharp Sand/Medium Sand
Laying & Pointing of Bricks & Stonework:
Hard Stone/Masonry/Roofing:
1 x HL 5 : 2 x Sharp Sand/Medium Sand
Firm Stone/Masonry:
1 x HL 5 : 3 x Sharp Sand/Medium Sand
Lime Concrete (Limecrete):
1 x HL 5 : 3 x Sharp Sand/Ballast
Hempcrete & Sprayed Hemp:
6 x parts HL 5 : 1 x bale or 18 x parts of Hemp Shiv (+6 x parts water)